solved run k8s in wsl2 When I use wsl2 join my k8s cluster, I have some problem. It can be start, but pod is not runing. 1234Normal Scheduled 95m default-scheduler Successfully assigned longh 2024-03-01 #k8s
solved Could not find a declaration file for module 'vuex'. Recently I was rewriting the email client using Vue and encountered an error when using Vuex to process data. Could not find a declaration file for module 'vuex'. Vuex does not have @types/vue 2023-09-11 Vue > Solution #vuex
solved react-native error: SDK iphoneos cannot be located While initializing the project, react native has the following error. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627patching file config.subchecking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -cc 2023-06-29 ReactNative > Solution #reactnative #ios
开发一个 KWin 特效插件 KWin 是 KDE 开发的窗口管理器,提供了非常丰富的插件,可以对功能进行大量的定制。 本篇文章是对窗口特效插件的开发介绍。 插件开发插件定义KWin 的插件通常可以使用一些宏辅助生成代码,例如使用 KPluginFactory 进行插件的定义,内容是用来生成插件的入口类。 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930#define Ef 2023-06-25 deepin #deepin #kwin
How to count the cpu usage of a process Sometimes we want to collect the cpu usage of the process, and usually use a script to make simple statistics. Under Linux, the cpu time slice of the process can be obtained through the stat provided 2023-05-24 Solution #Linux #Bash